After thorough and gentle cleansing of the skin, apply moisture and barrier application to help restore and protect the skin.
Moisture and barrier application is especially vital as a part of a skin care regimen to prevent IAD (Incontinence Associated Incontinence):
After applying the IAD skin care regimen, an essential part of quality continence care is making sure to use high-quality, breathable incontinence products and bed protection sheets.
Zinc oxide spray protects and regenerates the skin, promoting a natural skin restoration for up to 24 hours.
Thanks to its spray applicator, friction is minimized. The applicator also helps to prevent cross-contamination.
Abena's Zinc oxide spray is known for its antiseptic properties and the product has been designed to help calm irritated skin. Our Zinc sprays have already proven to be excellent in promoting a healthy skin condition.
Abena's Skin care ointment is ideal for very dry and/or irritated skin. It's formula helps maintain a natural moisture level of the skin. It helps to improve skin's texture as well as to repair the skin.
Skincare ointment also provides an effective barrier, making it suitable for preventing IAD(Incontinence Associated Dermatitis) and baby rash. It is also good for supporting healthy skin for those people at risk of developing IAD.
Screen the skin at each incontinence product change for redness, inflammation, rash, pain, or itching to assess the severity and development of IAD (and to ensure the patient has not developed pressure ulcers).